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Try our New 7 minute Standup Tanning Booth

uv tanning

Experienced tanners will agree that applying an accelerator each and every time before you tan, lays the foundation for building a rich, dark tan.

It’s a known fact that when ultraviolet (UV) light hits the skin, some UV light will bounce off. By keeping the skin moisturized with a good lotion, will help “prime” the skin for tanning to allow for maximum UV penetration.

Lotions are divided into a three step system: Step One for beginners, Step Two for advanced tanners and Step Three made to preserve, protect and extend the life of your tan.

Our staff will be happy to assist you any time for recommendations of what products would be beneficial for you to use.

20 Minute Beds
These state of the art beds are top of the line in the tanning industry. They offer more room for a comfortable fit, super cooling fans that are built into the bed for a cooler tan, and high power tanning lamps to deliver the best tanning results.

12 Minute SunCapsule
This 12 minute stand up unit contains 45 very high output lamps that are positioned completely around you to give you an all over, even tan.

This booth is a 9 minute high performance VHR stand up that has intense UV output with a 200 watt system. With winds of a whopping 21 MPH, you will never sweat again.

VHR 12 Minute Bed
This high-performance bed has quick speed and amazing results just like the cyclone.

This booth is a 7 minute stand up that is designed with 54, 220 Watt lamps for more full body coverage. This booth will exceed all your tanning expectations.

15 Minute Bronzing Bed
This bed is the ultimate in indoor tanning with 32 high-output lamps that have higher percentage of UVA to develop a deeper, golden tan.

The FDA has certain regulations that should be followed for your safety. We also have our own guidelines so that we may efficiently service all of our clients.

**EYE PROTECTION must be worn at all times while exposed to UV light per FDA. We strongly enforce this regulation.

**INDOOR TANNING ACCELERATORS should be used for maximum tanning results. Outdoor lotions are PROHIBITED because they will prevent you from tanning and can harm and discolor the acrylic shields on the beds.

**NO REFUNDS on any tanning packages for any reason.

**6 MONTH EXPERATION on all packages (excluding monthly unlimited). We will reinstate only the expired visits from your last active package once a new program is purchased.

**CONTACT LENSES should be removed while tanning.

**MEDICATIONS such as antibiotics, oral contraceptives, and some perfumes and soaps are photosensitizing and may cause reactions when combined with tanning. Please review our list or consult your physician.

**PREGNANT WOMAN must seek advice and written consent from their physicians before tanning.

**NO SHARING of packages between two or more people. Giving away a visit to another person is not allowed no matter what the relationship.

** 2 HOUR CANCELLATION NOTICE must be given on all scheduled appointments to avoid losing or paying for a visit.

**OVEREXPOSURE should be avoided by not tanning the same day indoors and out.

**FDA regulates that there may be only one tanning session in a 24 hour period.

There is a 6 month expiration on
ALL tanning packages.
Call us to learn more about
our monthly specials and for questions!
To help your skin stay brighter for longer, Sun Touch Tanning offers a variety of great products for before and after your tanning session. Our selection includes:
  • Australian Gold
  • California Tan
  • Ed Hardy
  • Supre tan
  • Emerald Bay
  • Norvel Sunless Products